Back to Shooting

Flying Beau Belga
The past month, I have been trying to get my shooting touch back.

I refer to my ability to shoot photographs and not the art of shooting a basketball.

It's been more than six months since I shot a sports event. I have been using my own 'aging' equipment and fear that I have been wearing out my equipment especially since some of them were bought way back.

Shooting a basketball game hasn't been much of a problem. Mall of Asia Arena has good lighting conditions. Smart Araneta Coliseum is something of a hit and miss in terms of lighting.

Football action though was a bit different. Action is fast-paced and unpredictable. Lighting at the Emperador Stadium proved to be a big challenge. (You can check out my Mar 19 post).

I'm praying that my request for proper equipment will be granted soon so that I can take better technical photos. Storywise, my photos can stand on its own and is attracting good comments from fans of the AKTV Facebook page.

Seldom-used Jonathan Uyloan


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